Get The 1st Page Ranking in Google
PPCChamp is the best SEO company. we comprise a team of dedicated professionals with more than decades of Panda and Penguin Compliant SEO experience.
PPCChamp helps you to get 1st page ranking in Google. If you have suffered severe loss of traffic due to the Google Panda or Penguin updates, we provide you the right explanation to bring your business on track. Our team of professional experts will help in the revamping of your links and eliminate the existing low quality links and duplicate content manually.
In addition to bringing in superior quality link recovery, we also explain the right navigation technique that will boost webpage ratings.
The common issues that plague the webpage if it is affected by Google Panda or Penguin updates are as follows:
- Over optimizing few web pages and 1-2 keywords anchor texts.
- Content that is of low quality and is mostly irrelevant, thin or duplicate in nature.
- Back links that are definitely of low quality leading to unnatural linking.
- Lack of a user-friendly interface and navigation method.
- Presence of unnecessary pages in the Google index.
- Deficient patterning of SEO.
- Black hat SEO.
Our teams of Google Panda & Penguin Compliant SEO experts are passionate about making your business grow by giving you top visibility on the internet. We believe in providing the right explanation to our clients and always follow white hat SEO methods; moreover latest tools and technology also add a value and help in gathering proper facts from analysis.
Let me know if you are interested, I would be happy to share our company & SEO plan details etc.
Contact Information
Name: PPCChamp
Address: SCO 177, 2nd Floor, Sector 37 C, Chandigarh, India
Phone Number: +91 9915337448